Prishani Naidoo

Prishani’s intellectual life has been shaped by her engagements in (and with) academia; political organisations; trade unions; social movements; community groups; artist, media, education and research collectives; NGOs; and other civil society formations.

Maternar. Perspectivas críticas desde el arte

SWOP co-hosted an online conference with the Institute for Research in Aesthetic Practices (IIE) and the Museum of Contemporary Art (MUAC) at the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). The conference comes out of an exhibition entitled, ‘Mothering. Between Stockholm Syndrome and Acts of Production’.

Living with Uncertainty. Reflections from Mexico and South Africa

A conversation between Helena Chávez and Prishani Naidoo, moderated by Arturo Mendoza. Hosted by UNAM-Sudafrica, UNAM Internacional, The Society, Work and Politics Institute and the Wits School of Arts. Date: 10 June 2022 Time: 11h00 – 12h30 Venue: Seminar Room, Humanities Grad Centre, Ground Floor, South West Engineering Building, Wits University.

The Failed Promise of Tenure Security – Customary Land Rights and Dispossession Conference

Twenty-five years after the Constitution was adopted the 18 million South Africans living in the former homelands have limited recognition of their tenure security. Instead, their customary and informal land rights are directly and systematically under threat from government laws, policies and practices that abrogate these rights. This conference seeks to inform and enrich the public and academic discourse about land tenure rights, ongoing threats to these rights, and the urgent need for state intervention to protect and enhance land tenure security in line with the Constitution.

Overview – Land Labour Life

This research cluster is in the process of being shaped and developed. It will bring together different strands of the current, ongoing and future research of different members of the SWOP community whose work focuses on different aspects of wage labour and its place in the development and history of capitalism; poverty; unemployment; the changing nature […]

SOMA Summer | Obrera Centro

The closing of the Conversations at a Distance series, with Marcos Castro and Mauro Giaconi, directors of the Obrera Centro project, in dialogue with Helena Chávez Mac Gregor.

SOMA Summer | Prishani Naidoo

‘Apartheid’ is often held up in discussions about social justice – both as marker of the worst kinds of atrocities perpetuated against humanity, and as symbol of the greatness of struggles against them.

SOMA Summer | Yásnaya Elena Aguilar

One of the fundamental elements of the current nation states is the judicial system and the construction of social justice understood within a legal framework. The functioning of a notion of social justice within this framework has limits and scope. How would it be possible to build a world where different notions of justice coexist?