Journal Articles / Book Chapters

Dlamini, Jacob. 2024. “Response to Shirli Gilbert.” Jewish Historical Studies 55(1).
Takura, Ernst, Joseph Mujere, and George Bishi. 2023. “Southern Rhodesia’s Adherence to the 1929 Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Italian and German Internees, 1939–1945.” Journal of African Military History 7. Download
Naidoo, Prishani, and Ahmed Veriava. 2023. “Articulating Difference: Reading Biko-with-Hall.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 46(16).
Schmalz, Schmalz, Jakob Graf, Dasten Julián-Vejar, Johanna Sittel, and Cristian Alister Sanhueza. 2023. “Challenging the Three Faces of Extractivism: The Mapuche Struggleand the Forestry Industry in Chile.” Globalizations. Download
Fouksman, Elizaveta, and Hannah Dawson. 2023. “Redistributive Politics and the Temporalities of Crisis: Reconfiguring Social Protection in a Post-Pandemic South Africa.” Global Social Policy. Download
Burawoy, Michael. 2023. “W. E. B. Du Bois’ Indian Romance.” Sociological Bulletin 72(3). Download
Barbosa dos Santos, Fabio Luis. 2023. “Guatemala No Século XXI: A Contrainsurgência Permanente.” Revista Katálysis 26(3). Download
Barbosa dos Santos, Fabio Luis. 2022. “Doctor or Monster? The Pink Tide and Its Aftermath.” Latin American Perspectives 49(2):69–86. Download
Klein, E., and Elizaveta Fouksaman. 2022. “Reparations as a Rightful Share: From Universalism to Redress in Distributive Justice.” Development and Change 53(1):31–58. Download
Bishi, G., Joseph Mujere, and Z. Mamvura. 2022. “Renaming Enkeldoorn: Whiteness, Place, and the Politics of Belonging in Southern Rhodesia.” Journal of Historical Geography 77:55–64. Download
Burawoy, Michael. 2022. “¿Por Qué Es Clásica La Teoría Clásica? Teorizando El Canon y Canonizando a Du Bois.” Revista CS 37:255–74. Download
Blanco Sepúlveda, Osvaldo, AR Rain, and Dasten Julián-Vejar. 2022. “Precariedades, Racialización e Interseccionalidad. Segmentos y Perfiles laborales de Mujeres Mapuche Residentes En La Araucanía, Chile.” Revista Mexicana de Ciencias PolÃticas y Sociales lxvii(245):331–69. Download
Mendoza, Arturo, and Joaquín Martínez. 2022. “The Retrofit of an English Language Placement Test Used for Large-Scale Assessments in Higher Education.” International Journal of Language Testing 13(1). Download
Blanco, O., Dasten Julián-Vejar, and F. Gutierrez. 2022. “Segmentos, Perfiles y Variabilidad Intra-Regional. La Fisonomía Del Mercado Laboral La Región Del Maule Chile /  Segments, Profiles and inside-Regional Variability. The Physiognomy of the Labor in the Muale Regional, Chile.” Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios Municipales 26(xiii):1–33. Download
Arribas Lozano, Alberto. 2022. “Collaborative Ethnography With Social Movements: Key Dimensions And.” Forum : Qualitative Social Research 23(3):1–28.
Mwatara, Wesley, Jospeh Mujere, and Grasian Mkodzongi. 2022. “Between Violence and Negotiation: Gold-Rushes, Gang Violence, and Negotiated Access in Artisanal Gold Mining along Zimbabwe’s Great Dyke.” Extractive Industries and Society An International Journal 11:1–9. Download
Mnwana, Sonwabile, and Andrew Bowman. 2022. “Land, Conflict and Radical Distributive Claims in South Africa’s Rural Mining Frontier.” Extractive Industries and Society - An International Journal 11:1–10. Download
Burawoy, Michael. 2022. “The State of US Sociology: From Crisis to Renewal.” Critical Sociology 48(2):193–96. Download
Skosana, Dineo. 2022. “Grave Matters: Dispossession and the Desecration of Ancestral Graves by Mining Corporations in South Africa.” Journal of Contemporary African Studies 40(1):47–62. Download
Julián-Vejar, Dasten, Cristian Alister, Johanna Sittel, Stefan Schmalz, Jakob Graf, Anna Landherr, and Felipe Castro. 2022. “Precariousness of the Precarious Countryside or Precarious Field? Extractive Expansions, Capitalism and Precariousness(s) in La Araucanía.” Revista de GeografÃa 12(22):114–45.
Macqueen, Ian. 2022. “Shaka Zulu in the Polish People’s Republic (PRL):Exploring South African-Polish Links in the Late Cold War.” Cold War History 22(3):265–86. Download
Benya, Asanda-Jonas, and Sithandiwe Yeni. 2022. “Co-Developing Local Feminist ‘Conceptual Vocabularies’ While Strengthening Activism Through Critical Consciousness Raising with South Africa’s Mine and Farm Women.” South African Review of Sociology 52(1):72–89. Download
Burawoy, Michael. 2022. “Walking on Two Legs: Black Marxism and the Sociological Canon.” Critical Sociology 48(4–5):571–86. Download
Nilsen, Alf. 2021. “Give James Ferguson a Fish.” Development and Change 52(1):3–25.
Bowman, Andrew, Tomas Frederiksen, Deborah Fahy Bryceson, John Childs, Emma Gilberthorpe, and Susan Newman. 2021. “Mining in Africa after the Supercycle: New Directions and Geographies.” Area 53(4):647–58. doi: 10.1111/area.12723. Download Download
Burawoy, Michael. 2021. “Living Sociology: On Being in the World One Studies.” Annual Review of Sociology 47:17–40. Download
Burawoy, Michael. 2021. “Decolonizing Sociology: The Significance of W.E.B. Du Bois.” Critical Sociology 47(45):545–54. Download
Webster, Edward, and Kally Forrest. 2021. “Precarious Work: Experimenting with New Forms of Representation [Electronic Resource] : South African Labour Responds / Edward Webster and Kally Forrest; Bureau for Workers’ Activities, International Labour Office.” Labor Studies Journal 46(4):325–44.
Webster, Edward, Carmen Ludwig, Fikile Masikane, and Dave Spooner. 2021. “Beyond Traditional Trade Unionism: Innovative Worker Responses in Three African Cities.” Globalizations 18(8):1363–76. doi: 10.1080/14747731.2021.1874253. Download
Burawoy, Michael. 2021. “Why Is Classical Theory Classical? Theorizing the Canon and Canonizing Du Bois.” Journal of Classical Sociology 21(3–4):245–59. doi: 10.1177/1468795X211036955. Download
Nkosi, Mbuso. 2023. These Potatoes Look Like Humans: The Contested Future of Land, Home and Death in South Africa. Johannesburg: Wits University Press.
Zeilig, Leo. 2022. A Revolutionary for Our Time: The Walter Rodney Story. Chicago: Haymarket Books.
Dos Santos, Fabio Barbosa. 2020. Power and Impotence: A History of South America Under Progressivism (1998-2016). Second. London: Brill.
Rabaka, Reiland. 2020. Routledge Handbook of Pan-Africanism. Routledge.
Mujere, Joseph. 2019. Land, Migration and Belonging: A History of the Basotho in Southern Rhodesia c. 1890. United Kingdon: James Currey.
Cole, Peter. 2018. Dockworker Power: Race and Activism in Durban and the San Francisco Bay Area. Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
Cock, Jacklyn. 2018. Writing the Ancestral River: A Biography of the Kowie. Wits University Press.
Webster, Edward, Akua O. Britwum, and Sharit Bhowmik, eds. 2017. Crossing the Divide: Precarious Work and the Future of Labour. Pietermaritzburg: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press.
Hampton, Jameel. 2016. Disability and the Welfare State in Britain: Changes in Perception and Policy-79. Briston: Bristol University Press.
Zeilig, Leo. 2016. Frantz Fanon: The Milintant Philosopher of Third World Revolution. 1st ed. London: I.B Tauris & Co. Ltd.
Macqueen, Ian M. 2018. Black Consciousness and Progressive Movements Under Apartheid. University of KwaZulu-Natal Press.
Dlamini, Jacob. 2020. The Terrorist Album: Apartheid’s Insurgents, Collaborators, and the Security Police. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Mati, Jacob Mwathi. 2020. Political Protest in Contemporary Kenya: Change and Continuities. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
Forrest, Kally. 2019. Bonds of Justice: The Struggle for Oukasie. Johannesburg: Jacana.
Chinguno, Crispen, Morwa Kgoroba, Sello Mashibini, Bafana Masilela, Boikhutso Maubane, Nhlanhla Moyo, Andile Mthombeni, and Hlengiwe Ndlovu. 2017. Rioting and Writing- DIARIES OF THE WITS FALLISTS. Society, Work and Politics Institute (SWOP).
Webster, Edward, K. Pampallis, J. Mawbey, and J. Cronin. 2017. The Unresolved National Question in South Africa. NYU Press.
Makhoba, Mandlenkosi, and Petrus Tom. 2019. The Story of One Tells the Struggle of All: Metalworkers under Apartheid. Johannesburg: Jacana.
Idrissa, Rahmane. 2017. The Politics of Islam in the Sahel: Between Persuasion and Violence. New York: Routledge & CRC Press.
Dlamini, Jacob. 2020. Safari Nation: A Social History of the Kruger National Park. Johannesburg: Jacana.
Cock, Jacklyn. 2020. “Conflicting Environmental Imaginaries in Post-Apartheid South Africa.” Pp. 285–300 in The Cambridge Handbook of Environmental Sociology. Vol. 1, edited by J. C. Keller, K. Legun, M. Carolan, and M. M. Bell. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Historicising South Africa’s Local Government Crisis: A View from the Mogalakwena Local Municipality, Limpopo (1948-2024) By Joel David Pearson

Active Waiting at the Mine Recruitment Centre: Youth, Unemployment and Everyday Contention in Bethanie. By Kefuoe Emmaculate Makena

A Political Economy of Water Scarcity in Delmas, South Africa? By Lesego Loate

 “Ukuthwala is a custom of darkness”: The violence of ukuthwala and the making of a thwalwa’ed subject. By Thatshisiwe Ndlovu

Resistance to Coal and the possibilities of a just transition in South Africa. By Jacklyn Cock

von Holdt, Karl. 2019. “Why Corruption Will Continue To Thrive Under Ramaphosa.” The Citizen.
von Holdt, Karl. 2019. “Politics, Economy and Business: Unpacking Corruption in SA.” Daily Voice.
Cock, Jacklyn. 2020. “The Arrival of British Settlers 200 Years Ago Continues To Cast A Shadow Over South Africa.” The Conversation.
Ho, Ufrieda. 2022. “Sociologist Karl von Holdt on Violence, Politics and Power – the Making and Remaking of Social Orders.” Daily Maverick.
Kesselman, Brittany. 2021. “What COVID-19 Revealed About Hunger.” Project Syndicate.
Maotoane, Kefuoe. 2021. “Silence, Subjectivity, and Sexual Violence: Reflecting on Oral History Interviews with Women in Thokoza.” South Africa’s Hidden War of Sexual Violence from Apartheid to the Present.
Holdt, Karl von. 2020. “China Manages the Virus With Surveillance, Organisation and Repression.” The Wire.
Dawson, Hannah J. 2021. “South African President Extends Special COVID-19 Grant. Why This Is Not Enough.” The Conversation.
Skosana, Dineo. 2020. “Mine, Not Yours: When Will Mining Companies Realise Anc...” Daily Maverick.
Skosana, Dineo, and Jacklyn Cock. 2020. “‘Our Existence Is Resistance’:Women and the Challenge of the Climate Crisis and Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown in Mining-Affected Communities in South Africa.”

A recorded discussion between Prishani Naidoo and Simon Gush around questions of land, work and social inclusion. Transcript: Simon Gush I am Simon Gush and I am very happy to be a

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