Mining and mineral benefication are held up as the path to economic development for South Africa. Yet these processes are often brutally disruptive for environments and communities. This semester we explore some of their devastating consequences for workers, communities and the nature that we all depend on for life itself.


04 SEP | 08h00 – 09h30: The Marikana Commission: unearthing the truth, or burying it?

Speaker: Kally Forrest (SWOP)


18 SEP | 08h00 – 09h30: β€˜The MPRDA: developmental or destructive?

Speakers: May Hermanus, Ingrid Watson and Joshua Walker


16 OCT | 08h00 – 09h30: The Arcelor Mittal Case: the power to pollute and the politics of knowledge

Speaker: Victor Munnik


Graduate Seminar Room, South West Engineering Building,
East Campus, Braamfontein, Wits