Gillian Hart in discussion – South Africa and Palestine in an Imperial Frame: Implications for Praxis

Gillian Hart on “South Africa and Palestine in an Imperial Frame: Implications for Praxis”. 5pm at the Humanities Graduate Centre (South West Engineering Building, East Campus, University of the Witwatersrand)
A Political Economy of Water Scarcity in Delmas, South Africa? SWOP Lunch Break

Hidden in the bowels of the Highveld is the coal that powers the mines, factories, industries and cities integral to the mineral-energy complex (MEC) political economy of SA.
The Coloniality of South Africa’s Food System and the Contemporary Food Crisis

It is widely recognised that South Africa’s food system is unhealthy, unjust, and unsustainable.
How to Fix Your Lift

A lift is infrastructure to transport a body up and down.
‘Ukuthwala is a Custom of Darkness’: The violence of ukuthwala and the making of a thwalwa’ed subject

This paper explores how, through its ‘technologies’ of violence, the custom of ukuthwala (bride abduction) creates a terrorised subject in women who find themselves entangled…

The lunch break marks a pause in the working day … a time for rest from production … for forms of exchange not, yet, for-profit…
Alternatives to Capitalism Series: A Contested End to Coal?

South Africa faces an energy crisis and a highly contested end to coal. At the heart of the debates are a number of questions.
Colonial Traces – Time, Space, Place & The University

n the aftermath of the fanfare of the Wits centenary celebrations, SWOP is continuing to reflect on the moments of challenge, contestation and contradiction that have shaped the university over time. The ‘100 Years of the Colonial University in Africa’ programme aims to cultivate a space for critical reflections on the different ways in which the university has functioned, been experienced, and been responded to in a changing society.
Whites and Democracy in South Africa

SWOP and the Department of Sociology at the University of the Witwatersrand invite you to the launch of a new book by Roger Southall, Whites and Democracy in South Africa.
Critical Engagement with Public Sociology

SWOP in partnership with Rhodes University invites you to the Critical Engagement with Public Sociology Book Launch. Join us for a conversation with the editors and contributors.