SWOP is proud to host the launch of a new report by Duma Gqubule, Centre for Development and Economic Transformation (CDET).

Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) is back in the news. On the one hand, the ANC government has renewed its commitment to radically transform the racial structure of the post-apartheid economy. Yet, on the other, it is locked in a bitter dispute with the mining corporations over the extent to which they have met the 2004 Mining Charter requirement that 26% of their ownership should be transferred to black people by 2014.

Duma Gqubule is the Director of the Centre for Development and Economic Transformation (CDET), and the country’s leading commentator on BEE in the mining industry. At the Wits launch of his major new report – South African Mining at the Crossroads: An Analysis of the Mining Charter, 2004-2014 – Duma will discuss how far the mining sector has fallen short of its ownership and other Charter targets, the issues raised by the current standoff over the ‘once empowered, always empowered’ principle, and the prospects for its meaningful transformation over the next decade.

DATE: Tuesday 25 April 2017
TIME: Starts 14h00, ends 16h00
VENUE: Graduate Humanities Seminar Room, South-West Engineering Building (East Campus)