Urban Crisis Seminar Series

Research Workshop Seminar Series – A multidisciplinary approach to the study of Urban Crisis: a focus on the City of Johannesburg
Book Launch: Kally Forrest’s ‘Lydia: Anthem to the Unity of Women’

SWOP associate, Kally Forrest, will be launching her new book with Jacana Media on the 19th September at Love Books in Melville. With great care and meticulous research, Kally Forrest brings us the life of Lydia Komape, also known as Mam Lydia Komape, a parliamentarian in Nelson Mandela’s government. Kally travels in Lydia’s footsteps, with […]
The Land Question and Labour Tenancy in South Africa Today – Raymond Mhlaba Institutional Public Lecture

SWOP Senior Researcher, Dr Dineo Skosana, will act as a respondent to Prof Richard Levin’s public lecture hosted by the Nelson Mandela University. The lecture will take place on the 3rd of September 2024 at 15:30.
“Social and territorial inequality in Mexico and South Africa” a virtual round table

SWOP Director, Dr Prishani Naidoo, will participate in a virtual round table hosted by the Institute for Global Dialogue (IGD) and the Embassy of Mexico in South Africa. This is the third virtual round table discussing the book Global South Powers in Transition: A comparative analysis between Mexico and South Africa. Date: Tuesday 3 September 2024Time: […]
Working Paper 16

Active Waiting at the Mine Recruitment Centre: Youth, Unemployment and Everyday Contention in Bethanie. By Kefuoe Emmaculate Makena
Call for Submissions – A multidisciplinary approach to the study of Urban Crisis: A focus on the City of Johannesburg
The Public Affairs Research Institute (PARI), Society, Work and Politics Institute(SWOP) and the Johannesburg Crisis: Concerned Academics*, launch a seminarseries to offer scholars, researchers, and postgraduate students an opportunity toshare their ongoing work, either by discussing work in progress or presenting upcomingand new publications on the City of Johannesburg. In this seminar series we welcome […]
Working Paper 15

A Political Economy of Water Scarcity in Delmas, South Africa? By Lesego Loate
Working Paper 14

“Ukuthwala is a custom of darkness”: The violence of ukuthwala and the making of a thwalwa’ed subject. By Thatshisiwe Ndlovu
ArtTalk 50/30 | Reparation. Redux at the National Arts Festival

The ArtTalk 50/30 series explores the deep existential questions humanity faces with key thinkers, artists and healers. This multi-disciplinary ritual seeks to cleanse and heal the land, and humans, by invoking the ancestors through story-telling, song, dance, film and indigenous ritual.
Popular Politics in the BRICS – Mapping the Fault-lines
The Mapping the Fault Lines project investigates both popular and social mobilisations from below and the nature of their interaction with authorities and elites in each of the BRICS countries.