Dineo Skosana presents at the Faculty of Engineering and The Built Environment Inaugural Seminar
Unpacking the Just Energy Transition: Myths, Fuss, Buzzword or Reality?
The Price of Solidarity (part of the Why Germany series)
Thinking transhistorically across anti-colonial, anti-war and anti-apartheid solidarity movements: Noor Nieftagodien, Ulrike Kistner, Jo Bluen and Bettina Malcomess.
Re-membering Politics — a discussion with Fabio Luis Barbosa dos Santos and Rama Salla Dieng
SWOP invites you to a seminar on the 22nd of May, presented by Fabio Luis Barbosa dos Santos and Rama Salla Dieng, as part of the Re-membering Politics programme.
The art of politics…the politics of art – silkscreen workshop and discussion on democracy
What makes Politics today? An election? And what makes an election? A cross on a ballot? A vote to be counted? To be counted as being … Political? Being politically?
Gillian Hart in discussion – South Africa and Palestine in an Imperial Frame: Implications for Praxis
Gillian Hart on “South Africa and Palestine in an Imperial Frame: Implications for Praxis”. 5pm at the Humanities Graduate Centre (South West Engineering Building, East Campus, University of the Witwatersrand)
A Political Economy of Water Scarcity in Delmas, South Africa? SWOP Lunch Break
Hidden in the bowels of the Highveld is the coal that powers the mines, factories, industries and cities integral to the mineral-energy complex (MEC) political economy of SA.
Kefuoe Makena
Lindiwe Malindi is a PhD student based in the Department of Sociology at Wits. She is interested in questions of subjectivity and relationality, futurity, labour/work, language and political organisation.
Land Labour Life: Call for submissions for ellipses […] special edition
Call for submissions for ellipses […] special edition. Co-ordinated by
Society, Work and Politics Institute (SWOP)